Sarjisfestareilla / Hki Comics Festival + Bakin’ Hot

Olen Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalien Pienlehtitaivaassa lauantaina 29.8. Jaan pöydän Emmi Valveen kanssa. Myyn Vaimoksi vuorille -kirjaa ja myös pientä yhden euron K-18-lärpäkettä:



Saatamme myös kertoa jotain tulevasta feministisestä seksisarjisprojektista, jos olet kiva.

Järkkään myös bloggaajien tapaamista mbariin lauantaina klo 16 (toivottavasti sinne mahtuu!).


I’ll be Helsinki Comics Festival’s Small Press Heaven on Saturday. You can also buy or order this 1 € little Tijuana Bibles inspired zine from me. It’s part of a collective plan for a collection of feminist sex comics.

US travels 2/2: Detroit




Poor D. has become the symbol of American depression, being once grand, decades of decline of industry, urban blight, bankruptcy, you know the story. Everyone has their own ideas about what it all means and how it should be ”saved”.



Detroit is the capital of ”ruin porn” for tourists – pointing with cameras at Detroit’s 70 000 abandoned buildings, urban exploring etc. A one-sided image of a city, though I must admit the buildings ARE fascinating. For more, read: How Detroit Became the World Capital of Staring at Abandoned Old Buildings


Um, I accidentally did this on Photoshop and decided to go with it.


The Heidelberg Project of recycling art.



I like ”Attitudes are the real disabilities”.


People are proud of their city, though.


I walked around town for hours and days (also, with no public transportation to speak of). I found no grocery stores in some areas and was introduced to the term ”food desert” of poor areas, no real food shops for miles. There is fast food, the worst kind, and booze… Food is such a big marker of inequalities.


(Probably I was never far from a doughnut, though.)

Personally I’m just so happy I don’t live in an American city – the sheer amount of cars and car noise pollution really gets me… It’s a sort of constant stress, a slow death. I think I’m probably a bit sensitive to sound, but still. A car culture thing rather than a Detroit thing.



OK, not Ladas, but I only draw Ladas (and the Greyhound).



Anyway! Urban farming is now big in Detroit, with so many vacant lots reclaimed for small community organisations. Sweet!



US travels 1/2:  Chicago

US travels 1/2: Chicago

I was in Chicago & Detroit for two weeks. Didn’t draw much anything while I was there… Instead I walked around, walked and walked, as ever when I travel. Anyway, I was happy to be there, never been to the US before.


The Ladydrawers comics collective invited us, Femicomix Finland (or whatever we are called! – Feministinen sarjakuvatoiminta, a feminist comics collective/network) to Chicago. And we exhibited at the CAKE festival (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo, got to love what the did with the ”K” in the acronym).


Hanna-Pirita and Taina at a draw-off at Women & Children First, one of the few surviving feminist bookshops in the nation. Witness the might of their talent in this picture of a cake!

cake chicago comics expo johanna rojola anna kankaanpää, taina hakala

Roju, Anna and Taina. ”How’s our hair?”



CAKE positively encourages women and minorities to exhibit. A jury selects the exhibitors and artists and makes sure there is a good representation of different people and points of view. I wish other festivals would do the same. Also, great festival, thanks CAKE!


What’s this, now?


Some research of the Ladydrawers’ doing.


Anne Elizabeth Moore is the powerhouse behind a lot of politicised comics and thoughtful writing around here. Thanks for having us around, Anne!

Touristy tourist





Chicago has some super interesting leftist, disruptive and subversive history (Jane Addams, Haymarket bombings, strikes, race riots…). Though now it’s mostly capitalism that rules and history is the stuff of museums.


I was right on time to witness the opening weekend of The 606 / Bloomingdale Trail, a former abondoned elevated railway line turned bike/pedestrian path / park. Beautiful! (You may also know me as an anti car culture crusader…) I went for a jog and the blue bits were made out of rubbery material. The path crosses different neighbourhoods, rich and poor, and is well lit at night. I so hope it will stay well maintained and utilised.

On conditioning… and doughnuts







(I don’t really want a donut, they’re too big here anyway)

(The last picture is from Chicago but by fabulousfabs on Flickr (Creative Commons) as my photo failed.)

Next stop: Detroit!

Uusi kirja – New book! Reppumatkasarjakuvia Etelä-Kaukasiasta


Vaimoksi vuorille – Reppumatkasarjakuvia Etelä-Kaukasiasta (Neon Tunisia, 2015) kertoo matkoistani Azerbaidžanissa, Georgiassa, Armeniassa ja Vuoristo-Karabahissa.

Voit ostaa sen 10 euron hintaan (+ postikulut 2 € Suomeen), kirjoita minulle. Myös hyvinvarustetuista kirjakaupoista, esim. Sarjakuvakeskukselta ja Turun Sarjakuvakaupasta.

Mountain Wife – Backpacking Comics from the South Caucasus is all about my travels in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Contains English translations.

You can order it from me at 10 Euros (+ postage to your location). Also available in well-stocked bookstores, such as the Comics Center.


120 sivua / pages, soft cover A5
Sisältää myös valokuvia Kaukasiasta / also contains photos from the Caucasus
ISBN 978-952-68345-0-4

Miten tanssitaan azerbaidžanilaisissa häissä? Miltä näyttää Stalinin junavaunu? Aino Sutinen matkasi erilaisilla kulkuneuvoilla Etelä-Kaukasian läpi ja kävi Azerbaidžanissa, Georgiassa, Armeniassa sekä separatistisessa Vuoristo-Karabahissa. Matkasarjakuvassa hikoillaan auringossa, liftataan, ollaan turistina, syödään ja juodaan. Naisten elämä perinteisissä yhteisöissä mietityttää pohjoismaista kulkijaa. ”Miten ihmeessä sinut on yksin päästetty matkaan?”

Näytesivuja on täällä / See sample pages here.

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