Piirtelin tämän livepiirroksena Kultti ry:n ja Long Playn pienlehdille suunnatussa koulutuksessa ja julkaisen sen tässä H. Nikkasen luvalla.
I did this info comic as a live action drawing at a workshop by the brilliant journalist and author Hanna Nikkanen. English translation here (for the whole thing):
Hanna Nikkanen: Journalism and better research. For English: Click Show | SelectShow> |
–It’s very rare that you’ll get to research secretive topics at the calibre of the Snowden revelations. –So usually it’s not necessary to be paranoid about protecting you topic of research. Then again, it is worth being paranoid about protecting your sources. –Any fifth-grader knows how to Google things. Surface web – easily found data / Deeper level – hard to find data / Deep web – secret area Google cache – a couple of weeks / Wayback machine – permanent archive –Does one have the right to remove embarrassing stuff from the web? Take a screen shot every time you come across something exciting! Unreliable sources, such as Vauva-foorumi (Baby forum, an active open discussion board known for funny content) may produce data worth researching. Call the Bureau of Statistics! Data can be buried in images as companies and other agents wish to make it that much harder to research their documents. EtsiXpertti is a service to find experts on various fields. Otherwise everyone would call (Finnish professor and general expert) Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila. EuroClear Finland – for finding information on stock ownership Finland is full of themed physical archives to research. A journalist can end up in trouble for not double-checking facts (like those given by the informant). –A small journal can lose its entire reputation when it screws up. Helsingin Sanomat (the main Finnish newspaper) can’t. Bubbles of similarly opinionated people are formed online. Internet rumours & pranks Beware of unreliable sources. Example: Fake Tweet Builder, fake screen shots Sometimes companies and governments seek to bluff journalists by acting as ”ordinary citizens”. Is the image authentic? You can check physical addresses at Google Street View. A smart search engine: Wolfram Alpha Know what’s reporter’s privilege (protecting your sources), understand the risks of data transmission. Use the HTTPS Everywhere plugin etc. Use PGP or GPG to encrypt your email. Or Enigma in Thunderbird. Or Pidgin, Adium, OTR in chats… –The more people use encrypted connections in the world, the more dissidents are safe… –…as they are not the only ones using these services and thus picked by secret services. And hey, if you want to be a good journalist: |
Edit: Osa 2, Long Playn Johanna Vehkoon työpajan infosarjis täällä.
Tuo salausasia toisinajattelijoiden suojelmiseksi oli arvokas huomio, jota en ees oo tullut ajatelleeksi, KIITOS 🙂